Sunday, March 20, 2011

CRIT 1 - 8 March 2011

We had our first critique the 8th of March 2011. I must say I was a little bit nervous because it was the first time we had to produce images of our specialist areas.

Flora Photography

When I proposed Flower Photography the lecturers said I must try to do something different they don’t want to see something they have already seen before. I thought long and hard about it and decided that I want to produce my first image as a triptych. I showed the different stages of a flower blooming.

New Life

Close-Up Photography

I enjoy photographing subject’s close-up (macro) but give it more of an artistic feel. I like it when most of the image is out of focus to make it look like a painting.

Tree Bark


Here we had to shoot a moving car, showing the motion. Then we also had to shoot a static background. We then had to cut the car out of the one image and paste it into the other image.

Car in Motion

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