Friday, May 6, 2011

CRIT 2 - 5 May 2011

Flora Photography:

Here I taken an image of an Drosanthemum Hispidum flower. This flower is a very small magenta flower. When I changed the colour of the flower to Black & White it gave the flower another meaning, and I'm sure everyone will feel something different about this image.

Drosanthemum Hispidum

Close-Up Photography:

When it comes to my second specialist, I like taking images of random objects you see everyday and you don't realize how beautiful it is until you go very close and see all the detail of the object. I took the first image of a green wired garden chair. I like the pattern the wire made and the back lighting against the wall behind the chair. My second image I took at a jewellery shop in Howick. They had a little basket full of shells that they changed into pendants. What really attract me to take this image was the colour of the shells.




We had to do a Chocolate Advertising on location. I think the most challenging thing was to find a 'good looking' chocolate to photograph. After much thought I decided to work with Ferrero Rocher.

Ferrero Rocher

We also had to do a Food assignment. We were teamed up with the Food and Nutrition department and did a collaboration.

Lamb Liver & Pumpkin


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