Wednesday, September 1, 2010

CRIT 2 - 15 April 2010

1. Free Choice - Culture:
I did some research on this topic and found that a bonsai is a symbol of Japanese culture. Because it was a free choice I wanted to do nature, so it was really hard doing this, to get the right angle and to make it look like a bonsai.

Sherwood Nursery
2. Graduation:
I don't have much to say about this assignment but we had to do it so that the lecturers can see if we can shoot for the DUT graduation. For some reason we had such problems with the lighting haha... still don't know what we did wrong!

Kristyn Swanepoel
3. Nature:
120mm Colour Negative Film
This is my favorite category but what made it so hard was because we had to use the Mamiya RB67. This camera is kind of hard to maneuver especially if you have the wrong lens. Here I used my brother's matric dance date's corsage. 

4. Specialist - People:
Here I did my brothers matric dance. I liked that the corsage is in focus and they are out of focus. Because it is a specialist category I decided to give it a sepia effect.

Stefan Meiring & Samantha Strydom

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