Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Next year (3rd Year) we had to choose two specialists. I knew what I wanted to specialize in, Flower Photography, but my second specialist was the problem I didn’t have any idea what my second specialist was going to be. Then I started to think what other category I enjoy. I went through all my past photographs and then a light bolt went on, Black & White Photography, perfect!

We had to do a specialist proposal. Where we had to say why we chose the specialist that we did and it wasn’t an easy task. We also had to choose a master photographer for each specialist which was so fun to do research on.

Flower Photography
Imogen Cunningham - She became one of the major photographers of the last century. She established her own studio in 1910. In 1932, Imogen, Ansel Adams, Edward Weston and others, founded Group f/64. Imogen soon turned her attention to both the nudes as well as native plant forms in her back garden. These works are characterized by a visual precision that is not scientific, but which presents the lines and textures of her subjects articulated by natural light and their own gestures. Her refreshing, yet formal and sensitive floral images from the 1920’s ultimately became her most acclaimed images.

Imogen Cunningham - Self Portrait

Image - Calla Lilies

Black & White Photography
Josef Sudek - He was born on March 17, 1896 in Kollin. He studied bookbinding in Prague and enjoyed photography. During WWI he was on the Italian front where he also was taking photographs. He was hit by a grenade and lost his right arm. Because he could no longer work as a bookbinder, he focused on photography. He was a member of the Prague Amateur Association of Photographers. He studied photography at a graphic school under Professor Karel Novák. He photographed veterans at Invalidovna, still life’s, portraits and landscapes. In 1932, he had his first independent exhibit in Prague. He died on September 15, 1976 in Prague.

Josef Sudek - Self Portrait

Image - Studio

1 comment:

  1. OOOooooooh_ how I love Imogen Cunningham's work. When I think of your works Nicole_ you have made fantastic choices for your specialists....I find that the lack of colour in Imogen's flowers, places an emphasis on the lines and shapes and makes them look like they are musical instruments!...I can almost hear the sound they produce.

    I am looking forward to seeing your body of works in 2011. Wishing you lots of 'finding' to inform your specialists...

    PS: just remembered look at the flower paintings of Georgio O Keef. She was in fact Alfred Stiglitz's [the pioneer of ART in Photography] girlfriend [even though he was married]. Naughty boy[and girl]!
